Case: Peech






Intimate well-being


Brand Strategy

Public Relations

Sex ed, business edition

Making a challenger brand

It is a fact that sex sells. It has been like that forever. But Peech is more than a sex shop. Since the opening of their store in Nørrebro, the media has been eager to write about the exciting brand and their new take on self-pleasure.


Clara Filippa, CEO at Peech

"COPUS helped us set the direction for our brand, structure our projects much better, and understand our story from many angles. Our collaboration really made us see our brand in a new way!"

Changing the sex industry with storytelling.



Our main goal was to make the media understand Peech beyond the product. Peech is not here just to sell products. They’re here because they want to make a change around the discourse and stigma that surrounds self-pleasure and sextoys. We wanted to shed a light on this by raising awareness on the topic and positioning Peech as a thought leader.



Therefore, we had to dig deeper into the core of the brand DNA and ask the founders questions. A lot of questions. What motivated you to start the brand? What is the biggest societal stigma when it comes to selling sex toys? What barriers did you have to overcome as a founder? The list goes on and on...and on.



By asking the right questions, we narrowed our comms strategy to three specific angles tailored to three different media outlets: Instagram, podcast, and news articles.  

Product, purpose, and debate. The main focus was to create conversation in different target groups, which meant catering to more than one specific media type.



We succeeded in realising our initial communications strategy for Peech. Among the highlights, is an in-depth interview with Clara Philippa (co-founder), a special podcast episode in Alt for Damernes “Tænd for mig”, and a product feature in the leading fashion magazine, Elle.

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