Case: Teamway






Talent Management Software


Brand Strategy 

Public relations 

Film production 

Social media

Defining the next era of work

A new model for work, made accessible.

Teamway is not just a platform connecting talent with companies — it is a rapidly growing, member-owned society redefining work as we know it. At COPUS, we helped Teamway build the foundation of their brand, creating an easily understandable core narrative for a complex and highly innovative product.


Marta Haugsand, Strategist at COPUS

"The client, both an expert and a visionary, was miles ahead in terms of the powerful knowledge that informed the development of Teamway. But what about the rest of us mortals?"

Within a month after launch, Teamway secured 15 media clippings and gained 200+ new LinkedIn followers.



How we work is changing faster than at any other time in history. Companies are closing down their offices and transitioning into remote work at full speed, pursuing more flexible setups and better access to talent. The challenge is: hiring and accessing talent in this new reality comes with a lot of complexity, high costs, and a heavy legal burden. 

For professionals, the time of being 'just another asset, working on just another gig, in just another corporate setup' is over. They want independent, non-linear careers with the freedom to choose what to work on, when, from where and with who. With that, a whole new generation of product builders has emerged, seeking opportunities to team up and build something that matters to them.

That is why Teamway was built — a rapidly growing and member-owned society redefining work as we know it. The challenge? How do we explain a product as complex and innovative as Teamway? How do we communicate clearly and effectively to the Teamway audience?



Our Teamway journey began with a deep dive into the world of software developers, freelance life, and web3. Very quickly, we became aware of the technicalities at hand. The client, both an expert and a visionary, was miles ahead in terms of the powerful knowledge that informed the development of Teamway. But what about the rest of us mortals?

Teamway needed a foundation — a framework for communication that captured Teamway’s unique approach and offering in a way that was accessible to people. Explaining the technical background of Teamway in a simple way while introducing an entirely new philosophy for work is how we created a distinct language for Teamway. 

Combining a new core narrative and key messages with the new visual identity of Teamway, a whole new brand emerged, ready to launch and ready to scale.



The initial goal of our collaboration with Teamway was to build the foundation of their brand, creating an easily understandable core narrative for a complex and highly innovative product.



The core story and key messages created in the strategy process have been applied to all Teamway channels and communication efforts in an ongoing collaboration. This includes the Teamway website, LinkedIn profile, and the stories we have pitched to international media outlets.

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